Friday, November 4, 2011

Here we go again ........

Ok so if you don't know what Matilda Jane is here is an example of just one of the many dresses this clothing line has to offer.  This here is the Aqua Love Peasant Dress my most prized MJ piece it cost me $175.00 and i seriously groveled for days trying to get her.  So where do you ask is she now? Well of course hanging in the closet never worn.  It wasn't even my daughter's size or is it even now but i had to have it that is how the addiction begins you will search and search and beg and plead day after day until you get your most anticipated ISO and then when you get it where does it go in the closet LOL and the next day you are on to another.  So this summer i finally realized how much my addiction had taken over and how much money i really spent needless to say i was able to sell HALF of our collection and take my family to Disneyworld! But guess what here i am back again and on the boards everyday wheeling and dealing and i can honestly say i missed it! I don't miss the fighting tooth and nail for that one ISO everyone is after but i missed the connections you make with all the other MJ mommas that are EXACTLY the same as you are it is so nice knowing you aren't the only one that all you can think about is how am i gonna get that ellie so and so has for sale or what can i trade to get this.  The last couple months have been the absolute worst of my life but coming back to the world of MJ BSTing has really helped and taken my mind off of it ..... I know some people think i may be crazy but really this is the only social life i have ......